My comprehensive approach encompasses every aspect of the occasion curating the most befitting elements to complement the aesthetic of your occasion.
Having the opportunity to curate your Celebration Experience's visual introduction through a custom Stationery Suite truly captures my heart as a Designer and Storyteller. Stationery Suite Design is exclusive service that I only extend to my Celebration Design Clients.
The floral artistry, linen, lighting, and layout are all of important concern to the day and I will to attend to every single aspect.
Event Design and Floral Artistry are completely intertwined in my approach and we do our floral design in-house. Developing and creating the best suited floral expression to compliment your Celebration ambiance ensures that each element always meets the style of your occasion seamlessly.
No element is too small to explore because our most lasting memorable moments are made up of the littlest details, and they matter.
I uniquely picture the way each conceptual design
“Comes to Life” after establishing your goals, Vision, investment, keystone dynamics.
I am the Architect of your event's
Spatial, Visual, and Experential Expereince.
It is my role to firmly establish the Visual Direction of your Event Experience.
My expertise in Event Visualization allows me to “SEE” the way the elements come together before a single feature is installed within a space. My background in Architecture enables me to exact the ideal 3-dimensional and sensory impact that the elements of your Design can have when elegantly composed.
as an event designer, what do you do for my special occasion?